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Chameleon Equipment: Misters | Radar Bromo

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Misters and foggers are position utilized interchangeably to picture instrumentality utilized to supply h2o for chameleons. This makes consciousness because nan 2 are utilized for nan aforesaid purpose. However, they are abstracted pieces of instrumentality that supply h2o successful different ways and for different purposes.


  • Can beryllium automatic aliases manus pumped
  • Used 2 aliases 3 times per day
  • Creates a good spray to soak enclosure
  • Main purpose: Provide hydration
  • Can thief pinch humidity
  • Automatic
  • Used erstwhile aliases doubly astatine night
  • Creates a fog to screen enclosure
  • Main purpose: Increase humidity
  • Can thief pinch hydration

Why you request a mister

Chameleons request tons of h2o for hydration. Also, immoderate of nan plants you take for your chameleon’s cage whitethorn require misting themselves on pinch regular watering.

Due to nan different measurement chameleons portion water, misting is nan only measurement you tin supply it to them effectively. Using h2o bowls, hamster bottles aliases moreover drippers won’t beryllium capable to guarantee your chameleon is getting capable to drink.

Water bowls are nary bully because chameleons don’t admit opinionated h2o arsenic thing to drink. A hamster vessel aliases dripper tin beryllium utilized arsenic a backup, but misters are really nan only action arsenic your superior portion of equipment.

Misting nan cage is easy. You simply spray h2o each complete nan enclosure, taking attraction not to get nan lights or measuring instrumentality wet, until each nan plants are soaking bedewed pinch drops forming connected nan leaves.

Eventually, your chameleon will admit nan water, commencement opening and closing their rima and past proceed to lick nan droplets from nan leaves.

There are 2 options to take from arsenic to what instrumentality you usage to mist nan cage.

Manual misters

  • Cheap
  • No method knowledge needed
  • Different spray options


  • Can wounded your limb doing prolonged misting sessions
  • Have to beryllium coming each clip you mist
  • Hard to judge if chameleon is getting capable water
  • Not bully for awkward drinkers
  • Can overwhelm pet sitter pinch instructions erstwhile going connected vacation

A manual mister is simply a inexpensive integrative spray vessel that you manus pump earlier misting. If you take this option, I urge you get nan type of spray vessel utilized to spray plants arsenic they are easier to usage and person different spray type settings, from agelong watercourse to good mist.

The downsides of this method is your limb will commencement to ache. This each depends connected really beardown you are of course, but having to clasp a ample and afloat vessel of h2o for 10 minutes, doubly a day, originates to consciousness for illustration holding a dumbbell.

This is made worse if you take a spray vessel for illustration nan 1 cleaning products are stored successful because you person to perpetually pump nan spray pinch your hand, utilizing specified a vessel will almost surely return longer than 10 minutes to guarantee you’re soaking nan cage enough.

Of course, you person to physically beryllium coming while misting successful this way. That’s 10 minutes retired of your day, doubly a day, misting your chameleon’s cage.

What if you get up precocious for activity aliases school? You whitethorn skip nan misting and conscionable do it erstwhile that day, aliases not astatine all. Do this excessively much, and you’re connected nan measurement to a dehydrated chameleon, which is bad news.

Then there’s nan conception of nan awkward drinker. This is simply a chameleon who is excessively awkward and tense to portion while you’re present.

If you person specified a chameleon arsenic your pet, it tin beryllium very difficult to really spot them drinking and to cognize if they’re drinking enough, aliases moreover astatine all. Also, nan h2o could each barren up earlier they person a chance to drink.

Manual misting tin besides origin problems erstwhile you person to spell distant for a fewer days, aliases longer, and you person to get a sitter.

If you person to time off your chameleon unsocial for a fewer days, there’s nary measurement they tin get immoderate h2o without a sitter. Giving them instructions connected really to mist and really agelong to mist for connected apical of each nan different instructions tin beryllium overwhelming.

There is simply a overmuch amended measurement to mist.

Automatic misters

  • No request to beryllium physically present
  • Precise timed long settings
  • Precise h2o magnitude settings
  • Peace of mind erstwhile going away
  • Eliminates awkward drinker problem
  • Easy to judge if getting capable water


  • Expensive for a reliable one
  • Some require insignificant DIY to group up
  • Minor method accusation to learn

Automatic misters are pieces of instrumentality that automatically spray your chameleon’s enclosure astatine intervals you programme it to do.

The upside of having this successful your setup is nan convenience. Instead of having to guidelines location and mist, worrying astir if your chameleon is getting capable aliases emotion your limb spell numb, an automatic mister allows you to conscionable group nan timer erstwhile to really you want it to mist and that’s it. All you person to do afterward is capable nan vessel up each clip you announcement it getting low.

Automatic misters, like this one I usage myself, let for very precise duration, magnitude of h2o and fineness of spray settings.

They springiness you awesome bid of mind erstwhile you’re retired of nan location for a fewer hours aliases a fewer days, and you don’t person to interest if your chameleon is simply a awkward drinker because you won’t beryllium coming to disturb them drinking.

The downsides are they tin beryllium costly and do require immoderate insignificant DIY to group up, this is existent successful nan lawsuit of nan 1 I use.

There is immoderate method accusation to study really to programme it correctly too, but location are cheaper and easier misters disposable that person bully reliability also.