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Implementing Ecommerce Tracking with Google Tag Manager – Mirasvit | Radar Bromo

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Gathering intel astir visitors’ behaviour is important for immoderate online business. Knowing much astir your personification base, you tin set your strategies to heighten UX and summation revenue. Magento 2 Google Tag Manager tin thief you pinch this different tedious task. This hold greatly simplifies nan user personalization process. It offers broad reports connected visitors’ actions, analyzes what users person searched connected your site, and gives you specifications connected website visits.

Core features of Mirasvit’s Google Analytics module

This study assists you successful optimizing your shop to trim nan abandoned handbasket total. You tin show personification relationship pinch interface blocks, revealing tract areas that request modification aliases enhancement. It besides showcases nan inferior and user-approachable traits of customized blocks.


Google Analytics 4 services (GA4, for simplicity) merge seamlessly into your Magento store. The hold gatherers and sends your website’s information to GA4. Sent info includes bits for illustration view_item_list, view_item, and select_item. It watches users from nan tract introduction to nan infinitesimal of sealing purchase.

The full arena database from GA4 is supported successful Mirasvit’s Magento 2 Google Analytics 4 module.

Here are conscionable immoderate of nan events, that tin beryllium analyzed:

  • Generate lead. The personification sends a shape aliases requests information.
  • Login. The personification successfully enters their account.
  • Share. Content being shared from your site.
  • Select content. The contented was selected by a user.
  • Purchase. The personification seals their order.
  • Refund. The personification makes a refund. Refunds are tracked and sent arsenic an arena to nan Google Analytics 4 automatically, utilizing cron.

Why do you request a Google Analytics module?

Simplicity. There is nary request to prosecute developers aliases manually modify nan codification pinch nan installed extension. The basal scripts person already been incorporated into Mirasvit’s Tag Manager. Merely insert nan GTM search codification snippet into nan applicable fields successful nan admin panel.

Flexibility. If you wish to item definite items successful your shop aliases measure nan fame of a merchandise group, conscionable create corresponding arena search scripts for it.

Convenience. Our hold already includes galore modular tags and import triggers for your GTM account. You won’t person to activity pinch a blank slate.

To sum up

Web information study is mandatory for keeping your conversions from drowning. To debar this unfortunate event, we urge utilizing Google Analytics 4 pinch a GTM hold by Mirasvit. It simplifies nan integration of nan GA4 work arsenic overmuch arsenic imaginable to facilitate and velocity up this process.